Text Messages 2061-2065

"Learn to wait for the perfect time, so that you may discover that all the pain found in waiting has a magnificent and awesome purpose."

Once you've already let go of someone,
Have the courage to never see him/her again..
Because goodbyes are not created for nothing.
It really ends something.

Better not to mind the things that depresses you,
Cause it only makes you weak inside and out.
There's a lot of things you can give your time into.
Don't get stuck with the things that ruins your day.
Smile and be happy.

Life is easy, as you wanted it to be.

"Don't deny yourself of the things you want, because a thing that is denied, becomes strongly desired..."

"I am the one who doesn't stop when I know I'm tired... But I'm the one who stops when I know I did my part."