Text Messages 1586-1590

The essence of friendship is not the smile and gesture we give but a feeling when you discover that someone believed in you and willing to trust and care for you.

When you're in pain, don't fight it.
You'll just get exhausted.
I advice: Feel the pain, until it hurts no more.

Sometimes two people decide to be "just friends",
Even if they still love each other.
And I often wonder why?
I suppose its not the love that's hard to sustain, but the commitment that complicates everything.

Magwish ka daw muna bago mo basahin 'to:
"A kid asked Jesus. How much do you love me?"
Jesus replied, "I love you this much."
And He stretched his arms to the cross and died for us.
If you believe in God, you will send this to everyone on your list.
If you delete tjis, you do not believe.

Truth is...
We hide because we wanna be found.
We walk away to see who follows.
We cry to see who wipes our tears.
And we let our hearts be broken to see who comes and fixes them.