Text Messages 421-425

Life is pretty simple,
When your asking for apples
And life hands you lemons, make lemonades...

If your on your on way out, and it starts to rain,
At least you won't have to water the plants anymore.
It's a matter of seeing things in a perspective.
The benefits may not be immediate nor obvious, but you have to know this for sure:

"God will never give you anything you cannot handle. Nothing you can't triumph over.There will be problems, there will be struggles. But if they're not there, how'd you know how strong you are?"

There's one thing I've learned in my life...
"Never invest in something that in the end you'll never going to have."

Think on this:
"When you change your looks, should you also change the beat of your heart?"

Here's a better dose of reality:
It takes a lot of good deeds to make people love you.
But it only takes one lousy error for them to hate you.

"You cannot measure a matured person on how well they prepare for everything to go right, but on how they stand up and move on after everything goes wrong."