Text Messages 381-385

You are just a part of this big world yet you made a difference by being yourself.
Your maybe too small and too little but you should know:
You made one could breathed easier because you exist.

Being happy doesn't mean every thing's perfect.
It just means you've decided to see life beyond the imperfections.
So don't say your happy because every thing's alright.
Be happy because everything sucks but your doing just fine.

I was never informed that you''ll come into my life but just the same I thank God for giving you to me.
A person who not only makes me smile but someone who accepted me just the way I am.

A doctor was fond of letting kids listen to the beat of their hearts during check-ups.
She loved seeing their young faces light up when they hear the thump og their own hearts.
But one question from a little boy touched her the most.
The boy asked: "Is that Jesus knocking?"

If you come across something good, you should hold on until it's time to let go.
Life offers you a thousand chances, all you have to do is take one.