Text Messages 146-150

A child asked his father..
"Why do I need to be humble?"
The father said:
"When you choose the low path, there's no place to fall and the only way is up."

The person you love has the best capacity to make you the happiest person in the world.
And may give you the worst heartache you can ever imagine.

They say we're dangerous and I definitely agree..
Because pretty faces only turn heads.
But us?
We break necks.
Good morning..

In this world, someone stands behind..
Silently loving us.
Reaching out His hand when we've fallen;
Encouraging us when we we're tested and in fear;
Understanding us when no one does;
Pointing us the light when we're in the dark.

God deserves a pause, a kiss..
A "Thank You"..
Because we're wrapped in a beautiful truth that we're loved without measure.
You are blessed!
So, be as well, a blessing to others.

"And I'll remember the love that you have gave me, now that I'm standing on my own and I'll remember the way that you change me and I'll remember.."
Good evening.