Text Messages 1851-1855

“I may be a star now.
But the truth is,
I’m simple
And sometimes,
It pains me to see people struggling
To get a little of me.”
–NFA rice

Set aside things that made you sad,
And remember those that made you glad.
Forget the troubles that passed away.
And remember the blessings that come each day.
Never regret the choices you made
Just believe in yourself and have faith.

Life isn’t perfect.
It’s a blend of joy and sorrow
But whatever life leads you.
It’s because of God’s purpose!
Love is like the rain, it gently pours
But sometimes, it’s raging fast.
But why is the rain so special?
Because like love,
You can feel it.
But you can’t stop it.

“Love comes in the very unexpected time..
It’s like owning a restaurant..
That when you’re about to close at night,
Someone will still knock on the door
right before you turn the sign into “closed”..
and it’s up to you if you’ll let the person in or not.”

“Take the first step in faith, you don’t have to see the whole staircase – just take the first step.” - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.