Text Messages 1421-1425

The most manly thing a guy could ever do...
Is simple keep the promises he made.

Saan lugar parehong kulot ang bhuok ng babae at lalaki?
Hahaha! I like the way you think...

Yes, the answer is AFRICA.

"PEOPLE just PROVEd me that NOTHING lasts FOREVER... but I'm WILLING to TAKE the RISK to HOLD on to the THINGS I don't WANT to let GO of."

I'm only HUMAN...
I do lost TEMPER.
But despite my IMPERFECTION.
I'm striving hard to be the BEST that I can be.
If there comes a TIME you get HURT by ME.
Please do THINK that I'm like a ROAD under CONSTRUCTION displaying a SIGN that SAYS...
"Please BEAR with the INCONVENIENCE."

"You must leave I know you will but I won't let you go until you show me some secrets for making this time stand still..."